
Where the heart speaks through writings

4 years worth of updates

 Assalamualaikum and hi.

A lot of things happened since MCO. So.. many things. I'm sorry for my inactivity. Not sure if there's any reader in my blog... ahaha. Never mind, this blog has always been just a diary for me. Anyway... updates, here we go, let me sum it all up:

1) I was warded for two weeks about two months before Master's viva voce. Yeaaaah, COVID-19 Stage 3.. I wasn't vaccinated yet that time. I was scheduled to get it somewhere in the second of week of hospitalization but COVID-19 got me first. Haha. Hurts as hell to be sick and unvaccinated. The on and off fever, the hot, annoying tingling sensations that won't go away at nights which makes me unable to fall asleep peacefully, loss of appetite, loss of sense of smell and taste, very bad diarrhea which made me severely dehydrated and caused several episodes of fainting.... the list goes on.. haha. 

2) I've completed my Master's degree in 2021 despite being warded and had very limited time to finish the thesis. Had the graduation ceremony a year after, because, duh, COVID-19.

3) I'm not sure exactly where at one point during my studies I discovered the existence of sonography studies but I realised I was more and more drawn to it towards the end of my Master's degree. It was definitely different from my current field at that time, but it still have Physics in it, and I do love anatomy. So I thought... why not? And, yeah, best decision ever. I took advanced diploma in medical ultrasound for one year (Feb '22 - Jan '23) and secured a job right after final examination. Now I am a sonographer in a private hospital, just search my name in Google and you'll see my LinkedIn. 

4) I got engaged to the love of my life in 2023. Yes, the same guy I fell in love with since 2020. I don't wanna write too much about us, because then it won't be a summary lah kan. Hahahaha. Wedding? InsyaAllah somewhere in this year.  Hihi. Please pray for us.

5) Despite all the good things happen in my life... Abah passed away in January this year. It has been more than 100 days and it still felt like a dream. A dream that I can't wake up from. He was a great father. But I've only known him for 26 years. I wish I could spend more time with him. If there's a way to do that, I'd do anything.

6) If you're wondering about my weight loss journey... uhhh. A lot of things happen and definitely affects my weight loss journey. I succeeded at first, already wearing M, was aiming for S.. but then I was busy. I put so many things in my priority list but taking care of my diet was not in it. So... I gained some of the weight I've already lost and now to lose it back, it's triple times harder. I've lose some inches here and there since I started to back to diet again this year and insyaAllah will try my best to keep on track.

I think that is all. Not really a long list, huh? Bye!


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