
Where the heart speaks through writings

About Me

Assalamualaikum and hi.

My name is Nur Darina, but I go by Darina or Dee. I feel like I don’t really need to write everything here, considering this is my diary blog where I write literally anything whenever I’m free, so I’ll just skip this… Okay, just kidding. I’ll write something. I’ll definitely do that.

But I need your help. What do you want to know about me? I’ll make sure to edit this post later with the details you want to know. Comment down below, and I’ll update this post to answer your questions. I’ll keep this post open for you guys.

Hmmm, to be honest, though, I don’t think people will read this “About Me” section and leave a comment. People don’t just suddenly come across this blog and read this section. So... I hope that’s the case, because people can get really creative when given the chance. Hahaha. Ah, whatever, it’s alright. If you want to know something (and it’s not offensive), I’ll write it down. If you don’t, then this section will stay just like this.


P/s: Somehow the comment section doesn't show up the way the usually do in the posts, I guess I need to check out the blog HTML codes but I'm too busy (or lazy?) for that, I'll just give you the link for you to comment. Click here to comment!

Contact Form (Do not remove it)

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