
Where the heart speaks through writings

First Semester

Assalammualaikum, hi. Registration day plus orientation week felt like yesterday and there's only 6 weeks left until our first final semester examination. Yup, time flies so fast indeed.

So far how's college? Aha, obviously not a smooth one. Been occupied almost the whole time. Waking up for lectures and tutorial classes, burning the midnight oil for lab reports, tutorial tasks and assignments, went to bed to sleep.

Weekends? Yeah, sometimes I have the weekends for myself, but entahlah, blogging doesn't seem to be an effective stress reliever for the time being. Ewah. I've always wondered when will I actually have the time to update at least something here - to tell either I'm still alive or not. So, yea, here I am. Writing this. Taking five after hours of Mathematics and Biology (ada hiperbola di situ tapi takpelah, saje nak emphasis how lifeless I am LOL)

College is nothing else like high school. Memorizing facts and get an A+ without understanding even a thing is strictly a no-no. When you're in a matriculation program, you start from 0. Yeah, the basics are there from high school but not really helpful. There are so many new topics! And it's quite hectic if your matriculation program is only for 1 year.

Am I alive? Yeah.... Drowning.... but still struggling... To reach the surface. I've been crying a lot, well, internally.... But, hey, I'm still here. Allah gave me this path. I believe in His plans. I will do my best till the end.

By the way, I haven't introduced my practicum yet, so, everyone, this is MS10!

1st photo from left: Afiq, Firdaus, Aqmal, Eein, me, Ain and Ainul. 2nd photo first row from left: Aqmal, Afiq, Eein,  Najihah and Lai Sian; second row from left: Justin, Aliff, Firdaus, me, Ainul, Ain, Nisa, Adilla, Syahira and Diyana.

We never really have a complete group photo though. There's 20 of us. Maybe one day, InsyaAllah. I kind of glad to be in this practicum, to have them as my practicum-mates. They are so friendly and so helpful. We've been through thick and thin together since day 1. You may say we've only known each other for months but in our hearts it felt like years.

Especially if you're given a quite hard task when you have... zero experience. What kind of task? A play. Not just an ordinary play. A classical theater. A bunch of nerds and a theater? Absurd, I know. Hahahaha. Whatever, it's a challenge for us. It's not easy to score in academics and co-curriculum in the same time. We knew that. Never mind, we will try our best. Theater is fun :')

Hari Raya Celebration :D
And yeah, MUET speaking test is next week! I have no idea how to describe my feelings right now. My MUET speaking team: Ain, Najihah and Aqmal. Aqmal as candidate A, me as candidate B, Najihah as candidate C and Ain as candidate D. I hope we're doing just fine this 10th September!

How about my roommates? Well, there's 4 of us. Nabilah, Zahidah, Fadzira and me. I will write about them. One day.... Because Nabilah is so sleepy and I seriously think I'm bothering her with this laptop still on :P

Gotta go. Good bye.


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