
Where the heart speaks through writings


"Childhood, sweet and sunny childhood,
With its careless, thoughtless air,
Like the verdant, tangled wildwood,
Wants the training hand of care.

See it springing all around us --
Glad to know, and quick to learn;
Asking questions that confound us;
Teaching lessons in its turn.

Who loves not its joyous revel,
Leaping lightly on the lawn,
Up the knoll, along the level,
Free and graceful as a fawn?

Let it revel; it is nature
Giving to the little dears
Strength of limb, and healthful features,
For the toil of coming years.

He who checks a child with terror,
Stops its play, and stills its song,
Not alone commits an error,
But a great and moral wrong.
Give it play, and never fear it --
Active life is no defect;
Never, never break its spirit --
Curb it only to direct.

Would you dam the flowing river,
Thinking it would cease to flow?
Onward it must go forever --
Better teach it where to go.

Childhood is a fountain welling,
Trace its channel in the sand,
And its currents, spreading, swelling,
Will revive the withered land.

Childhood is the vernal season;
Trim and train the tender shoot;
Love is to the coming reason,
As the blossom to the fruit.

Tender twigs are bent and folded --
Art to nature beauty lends;
Childhood easily is moulded;
Manhood breaks, but seldom bends.
- David Bates."

Inspired by this poem, I'm thinking about telling a lil' bit about my life.


I was staying in Labuan, I was only 4, 5-- I don't remember, I studied at Tadika Hasanah. I only have two friends. Both are twins-- boys. We share our meals during recess, we always did things like homework and playing together and most of the time we talk about Popeye and The Sailorman. Yeah, we were huge fans. I miss them so much. Too bad I have forgotten their names. I actually went to 2 different kindergartens. The other kindergarten is Tadika Kemas. I have a lot of friends there but the special ones named Hazirah. We've lost contact for years but somehow last year she added me on  Facebook. Thank you, Mark Zuckerberg.


I was 7 when my family and I moved to Kedah. Not long. Went to SK Dato' Wan Kemara (SKDWK). My friends were very nice to me but at first I was too shy to say anything. But when I started to be friendly, we had to move again as my dad got promoted. I was 10, we moved to Melaka. I studied at SK Sri Laksamana (SKSL) for 3 years. In Melaka I started to build the new me. New personality. I became too friendly and talks a lot. A lot of memories here in Melaka. Such as? Hmm... In standard 6, I joined the choir club which also means I participated the choir competition. We didn't won but the experiences and the memories were priceless. And also the motivational camp. Ah, how I wish if could turn back the time.


Went to SKK SMK Ghafar Baba (SGB) for 2 years. When I was in form 2 my family actually moved to Johor but I decided to stay at Melaka. SGB got asrama meh. Even I was only there for 2 years, I've gained a lot of memorable memories. I have my own gang, we called ourselves as The Elviannes. There are seven of us-- Aisyah, Amirah, Aniths, Afifah, Hajar, Ummairah and me. We changed our last names on Facebook to Elvianne. Not to brag but we're kinda one of the most wanted junior gang. So silly. Haha! Main-main je semua tu.

Aisyah and Amirah are cousins, they're from Selangor. They stay at their granny's house when they were still studying in SGB. Afifah, the cutest. Aniths, the prettiest. Hajar, the tallest. Ummairah, the happy-go-lucky. Oh yea, there's one more girl. My adik angkat, Siti Nur Emira Fatimah. I'm not really a good kakak angkat. Dah lama tak tegur dia. Hmm. Allah, I miss them so much. SGB is a place where I finally learn what's it like to be a teenager and the true meaning of friendship besides of the education. And also what it's like to have a crush on someone and what's like to be truly madly deeply in love with someone. Ni nak gi sekolah nak belajar ke apa ni Darina oi?

Anyway, my family didn't stay at Johor for a long time. My dad got promoted again so my family moved to Negeri Sembilan and that's when I decided to leave Melaka. Why? I don't know, I wasn't homesick, it's just an instinct for me to do so. Aisyah was the first person to leave after me, she move back to Selangor. So sad. Then Hajar went to SBP, Amirah also move back to Selangor and finally, Afifah went to SBP. Only Aniths and Ummairah left. Hopefully someday the seven of us will be reunited! And Emira too. Hehe. InsyaAllah...

So here I am now. Currently studying in SMK Tuanku Muhammad. In this school I started to be the old me. The shy ones. I barely talk to the other kids. Maybe it's because I still miss my friends and SGB. BUT, I'm very talkative and annoying when I'm with my classmates and ex-classmates. Haha. Few months more and I am seventeen. Dad's going to retire this year, so after SPM we are going to move back to our hometown - Muar, Johor. The last stop. Haha. Eh, it's pretty late.. Gotta go. I didn't notice. Lol. Bye.

P/s: Actually there's a lot to tell. Hm. Never mind, I will edit this post later.
P/s/s: Updated! But still, there's a lot to tell. Hmm!
P/s/s: Updated! And yeah, there's still a lot to tell.


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