
Where the heart speaks through writings


Hi guys.

Wait, a second! It has been weeks... And April is almost over! Where in the whole world have I been? Sekejap ada, sekejap tak ada, macam Chipsmore! Hahaha, it's a long story and I don't want to talk about it.

By the way the district level debate competition is over, and guess what? We won! I thought we're not going to win because we're so lack of practice. Let's just say that it's our rezeki and thanks to Allah for granting us that rezeki. Alhamdulillah.

So now we will be going for state level at the end of May at Jelebu, Negeri Sembilan. And if we win again, we might go for national level at... Sarawak! Seems so far to reach that level... But never mind, we're one great team, we'd do our best!

Debate pun debate lah kau, homework macam mana? Exam? Yeah, sucks. I have to manage my time between attending the debate crew meeting to practice, doing homework and studying so I won't lost track. Quite a big challenge so far. Wish me luck (*´∀`)

My school is going to held an interesting event, 'TMS Open Day', this 10th May. Interesting, huh? Yeah lol because it's the one and only event that I think quite interesting since my first year (2012) at that school. Aha!



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